Keep up with the latest within transport infrastructure research at KTH via the app Campus 2030

The Campus 2030 project gives you an insight into the exciting transport infrastructure research that is ongoing at KTH. The transport of the future is being developed in the open lab environment. You can take part in the research via the Campus 2030 app, which has been updated with new holograms. 


Let the AR technology guide you during a walk on the Valhallavägen campus

The Campus 2030 test bed is a digital twin to the road infrastructure at KTH Valhallavägen. There  students and teachers test sustainable transport solutions at a system level to investigate what works in practice before they are scaled up. Download the app and let the AR technology guide you during a walk on the Valhallavägen campus. Begin the walk at Brinellvägen 8 and find out about the opportunities and challenges facing the transport infrastructure sector.


Transport infrastructure research an important part of achieving the global sustainability goals

The transport infrastructure sector plays an important role in reaching the 2030 sustainability goals. On your walk around campus, you will, among other things, hear researchers talk about how transport at sea, as well as by air, is being revolutionized by today's opportunities to provide optimal guidance for transport. It does so by combining direct energy extraction via solar and wind power with predictions of aero and hydromechanics and weather forecasting at local and global levels. Other researchers talk about how smartphones of today open opportunities to create a more adaptable and responsive public transport system because it is possible to understand collective passenger behavior on a completely different level. Moreover, researchers talk about how automation and digitization provide new opportunities for infrastructure planning; for example, that design decisions made today can be linked to consequences that occur in 20-30 years and how intelligent vehicles and intelligent roads can interact by the road charging the batteries in the vehicle and the vehicle reporting the status of the road.


Campus 2030 highlights the complexity of the transport infrastructure and studies its entirety

“To achieve sustainability within transport infrastructure, we need to pair the vehicle side with the infrastructure side so that sustainability gains made on one side are not lost on the other. We must see transport infrastructure as a whole. What Campus2030 wants to do is to pair both sides, highlight the complexity of the issues and study the system from several points of view. By modeling in a digital twin, we can test different technical solutions to see what works in practice before scaling them up. The virtual testbed thus becomes a way to focus on the process in the transport sector and to create a common platform, which reduces the risks for the industry”, says Nicole Kringos, professor of road engineering at KTH and who leads the project.


Facts about Campus 2030

Three research centers at KTH participate in the project: Road2Science, with a focus on road infrastructure, ITRL, with a focus on vehicle technology and intelligent transport systems, and ICES, which contributes in the area of built-in systems and digitization. In addition, each center involves its respective external partners. The interactive AR environments are created in collaboration with 3D Interactive STHLM AB.

Campus2030 is supported by InfraSweden2030, Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas.