Enabling systemic solutions for smart roads

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Our Mission

To create a fertile environment that serves as an important nursery of ideas for industry stakeholders, researchers and students to test new, smart transportation ideas making use of the full cross-disciplinary range of expertise available. 

To stimulate interaction with an open smart road digital platform, we will launch a Digital Twin of KTH's road infrastructure including an augmented reality (AR) experience on KTH campus.

To build a structured approach and help managing a systemic change towards the new realities of a sustainable transportation infrastructure sector, including a wide variety of challenges and opportunities coming from digitization.

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Kick off

2020 - The kick off of the Campus2030 project: workgroups, stakeholder forum and project management structure establishment.

digital Twin Launch

2023 -The launch of a first version of the Campus2030 Digital Twin as a platform for transportation research and the opening of the on-campus AR experience.


2025 - Campus2030 is an established   demo and test environment that serves as an important nursery for researchers and industry stakeholders to test new transportation ideas.

Work packages
smart roadwebb

smart transportation


augmented_reality webb
augmented reality


gender data gap

The transportation infrastructure domain is still predominantly 'male' and 'masculine' which reflects in an unbalanced workforce and may result in organizational structures and technological solutions that are optimized towards the male perspective. With an escalating digitization process a general increase of data dependency occurs, which may further aggravate the risk that the transportation infrastructure field is optimized for only half the population.

Campus2030 is actively integrating an awareness of the gender data gap within its digitization activities in order to contribute to a diminished risk of data-bias.

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